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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PKSR 1 2010 Timetables For Year 4, 5 and 6

Friday (21st May 2010)
Pendidikan Muzik
Pendidikan Seni
Pendidikan Jasmani & Kesihatan
Monday (24th May 2010)
Bahasa Malaysia Kertas 1
Bahasa Malaysia Kertas 2
Ejaan & Rencana
Pendidikan Agama Islam / Moral
Tuesday (25th May 2010)
Mathematics Paper 1
Mathematics Paper 2
Kajian Tempatan
Wednesday (26th May 2010)
English Paper 1
English Paper 2
Thursday (27th May 2010)
Bahasa Arab (Year 4 only)
Kemahiran Hidup
Pendidikan Sivik & Kewarganegaraan
Wesak Day (28th May 2010)
Good Luck to all!!! (^_^)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gotong Royong - A Cleanliness Campaign

Last Saturday, there was a 'gotong-royong' in the school. All the teachers and Year 5 came early in the morning to school to lend their hands. The PIBG committee also came to help. It was a very tiring day but everyone was satisfied with their own outcomes. The school never looked so much better. Lots of thanks to all who had contributed their energy and time during this cleanliness campaign.

handle with care

working hard

the staffs help too

and then the results...happy yeah...

Mini Sports Day 2010

In April, our school had organised a Mini Sports Day at school. Although there were not many sports been played, the pupils were still having fun. On that day, these sports competition were held : Netball, badminton, volleyball and chess. Overall, Tun Teja won by getting the highest marks, it followed by Dang Wangi, Dang Anum and Tun Fatimah. Below are some pictures that show how much the pupils enjoyed themselves on Mini Sports Day:
cheers from Tun Teja

Dang Wangi fans got too excited :)

Dang Anum wanted to get into the camera - flash forward

P/S- Tun Fatimah supporters were nowhere in sight...maybe next time, Tun Fatimah can gather your friends and make havoc :)